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Bunny Transport Routes - August/September

Candace Rogers

Updated: Jul 19, 2023

Road lined with flowers

We work with some amazing people to get your sweet bunny to you - near or far! Below are transporters coming near us in June and July.

Each transporter has a form for you to fill out and most of them use paypal or venmo for payment.

To secure your bunny's spot, you need to complete their form AND submit payment.

* I will update this post as I find new transport routes coming near us.*


1. KD Farms Transport - Contact person: KD (Can be reached through Facebook transport page, logo is below so you know you found the right one.)

Link to their form:


2. Hippity Hop Express - Contact Person: Susan Stockton (Can be reached through Facebook, either by her name or their transport page, logo is below so you know you found the right one.)

Hippity Hop Express logo

August Route : She has a couple spots! I would meet her at stop #73

Link to her form:


As always, please reach out if you have any questions!


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